42 min read

DateTime Formats

This article is everything you need to know about date/time in Laravel.

We will cover important things like immutability, formatting, exending Carbon with macros as well as helpful tips like a format cheat sheet, youtube duration formats and constants.

Cheat Sheet


Day Format Value/Example
d 01 through 31
D Mon through Sun
j 1 through 31
l (lowercase ‘L’) Sunday throguh Saturday
N 1 (Monday) to 7 (Sunday)
S st, nd, rd, th
w 0 (sunday) through 6 (Saturday)
z 0 through 365
Week Format Value/Example
W 42 (42nd week in year)
Month Format Value/Example
F January through December
m 01 through 12
M Jan through Dec
n 1 through 12
t 28 through 31
Year Format Value/Example
L 1 (leap year), 0 otherwise
o same as Y, except that it use week number to decide which year it falls onto
Y 1991, 2012, 2014, …
y 91, 12, 14, …
Time Format Value/Example
a am or pm
A AM or PM
B 000 through 999
g 1 through 12
G 0 through 23
h 01 through 12
H 01 through 23
i 00 through 59
u 123456 (microseconds)
Timezone Format Value/Example Description
e UTC, GMT, Atlantic/Azores Timezone identifier
T EST, BST, … Timezone abbreviation (if known) or the GMT offset.
I (capital i) 1 (daylight), 0 otherwise Is date in daylight saving time
O +0200 Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) without colon between hours and minutes
P +02:00 The same as O with colon
Z -43200 through 50400 (timezone offset) Timezone offset in seconds. West UTC = negative, East UTC = positive
Date/Time Format Value/Example Description
c 2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00 ISO 8601 date
r Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200 RFC 2822 formatted date
U 1617265800 Seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT)


Here are some common formats using 2021-04-01 09:30:00

Format Code Example
RFC2822 DateTime::RFC2822 Thu, 01 Apr 2021 09:30:00 +0000
ISO c 2021-04-01T09:30:00+00:00
ISO Date Y-m-d 2021-04-01
ISO Week Y-\WW 2021-W33
ISO Weekday Y-\WW-N 2021-W33-2
Ordinal (Year-Day) Y-z 2021-90
RFC7231 Carbon::RFC7231_FORMAT Thu, 01 Apr 2021 09:30:00 GMT
RFC7231 D, d M Y H:i:s \G\M\T Thu, 01 Apr 2021 09:30:00 GMT
UK (short) d/m/y 01/04/21
UK (medium) j M Y 1 Apr 2021
UK (long) d F Y 01 April 2021
Letter F d, Y April 01, 2021
12 Hour g:i a 9:30 am
24 Hour H:i 09:30
Military Hi 0930
Words l, jS F Y \a\t g:i A (T) Thursday, 1st April 2021 at 9:30 AM (UTC)

Carbon constants

Carbon comes with a number of constants you can to avoid ‘magic’ dates/times.

 // days
 Carbon::SUNDAY = 0;
 Carbon::MONDAY = 1
 Carbon::SATURDAY = 6;
 // months
 Carbon::JANUARY = 1;
 Carbon::DECEMBER = 12;
 // x in y
 Carbon::YEARS_PER_CENTURY = 100;
 Carbon::YEARS_PER_DECADE = 10;
 Carbon::MONTHS_PER_YEAR = 12;
 Carbon::WEEKS_PER_YEAR = 52;
 Carbon::WEEKS_PER_MONTH = 4;
 Carbon::DAYS_PER_YEAR = 365;
 Carbon::DAYS_PER_WEEK = 7;
 Carbon::HOURS_PER_DAY = 24;
 Carbon::MINUTES_PER_HOUR = 60;
 $minutesInAWeek = Carbon::DAYS_PER_WEEK * Carbon::HOURS_PER_DAY * Carbon::MINUTES_PER_HOUR;

Custom date formats

Carbon already comes with a number of different conversion methods in Carbon\Traits\Converter.php. Here’s a few:

  • toDateString
  • toCookieString
  • toRfc822String
  • toRfc7231String
  • toArray
  • toIsoString

Extending Carbon

Using custom format constants might be useful if you use a number of different formats throughout your application, for example a finance system generating customer invoices, sending reports, working with accounting periods etc.

But if you usually use the same format throughout your application you might want to keep it at your fingertips.

We could use the Carbon’s converter ‘method’ approach for our own common date formats listed in the examples section.

You can extend Illuminate\Support\Carbon in a service provider with macros.

           use Illuminate\Support\Carbon;
 Carbon::macro('ukShortFormat', function(){
     return $this->format('d/m/y');
 Carbon::macro('toDefaultFormat', function(){
     return $this->ukShortFormat();

Did you know you can create and register your own service providers!

Custom constants

If you have a number of different formats or you just want to clean up your service provider’s macro calls you could set the string formats as enum or class constants.

Here we are using Enums (PHP 8.1+)

           enum DateTimeFormats: string
     case ISO_DATE = 'Y-m-d';
     case UK_SHORT = 'd/m/y';
     case UK_LONG = 'd F Y';
 # usage

but you could always use class constants

           class DateTimeFormat
     public const ISO_DATE = 'Y-m-d';
     public const UK_SHORT = 'd/m/y';
     public const UK_LONG = 'd F Y';
 # usage

or in a macro:

           Carbon::macro('ukShortFormat', function(){
     return $this->format(DateTimeFormat::UK_SHORT);

Blade stringables

You could set the default blade carbon output format by changing the stringable implementation in a service provider.

           use Illuminate\Support\Carbon;
 Blade::stringable(fn (Carbon $carbon) =>

Immutable dates by default

Immutable dates prevent modifications to an instance following the original instance.

Making dates immutable is sort of like copying a version the previous instance before making any changes.

We can force Laravel to use immutable dates by default by calling the Date facade in the boot method of a service provider.

           use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Date;
 public function boot(){
     // then add your custom carbon formatters
     Date::macro('ukShortFormat', function(){
         return $this->format('d/m/y');
     Date::macro('toDefaultFormat', function(){
         return $this->ukShortFormat();

Now any eloquent model datetime attributes will be immutable by default 🎉

Just remember to use Date instead of Carbon when instantiating dates manually!

This means you no longer have to remember to use the CarbonImmutable class, or cast your models:

           protected $casts = [
     // ...
     'created_at' => 'immutable_datetime' // no longer required
     // ...

Creating Dates

           // last Friday of current month
 // first Friday of next month


Simple Duration string

           gmdate('H:i:s', $seconds = 817); // 00:13:37
 // Don't go over 24 hours (86,400 seconds)
 gmdate("j\d H:i:s", $seconds = 86410); // 2d 00:00:10
 gmdate("j:H:i:s", $seconds = 86410); // 2:00:00:10

Youtube Duration (Display format)


           function simpleTimeFormat($seconds)
     return $time->totalHours >= 1
   	    ? gmdate('g:i:s', $time->totalSeconds)
         : gmdate('i:s', $time->totalSeconds);

Warning! This will not work over 24 hours.


This will allow you to pass $seconds as an integer or a CarbonInterval object.

           function youtubeFormat($seconds)
     $time = $seconds instanceof Carbon\CarbonInterval
         ? $seconds
         : Carbon\CarbonInterval::seconds($seconds);
     return sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d",
                 $time->totalMinutes % 60,
                 $time->totalSeconds % 60
 youtubeFormat(CarbonInterval::seconds(817)) // "13:27"
 youtubeFormat(8170) // "02:16:10"

CarbonInterval Macro

           Carbon\CarbonInterval::macro('youtubeFormat', function ()
     $interval = $this;
     $totalSeconds = $interval->totalSeconds;
     $hours = intdiv($totalSeconds, 3600);
     $minutes = intdiv($totalSeconds % 3600, 60);
     $seconds = $totalSeconds % 60;
     return sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $hours, $minutes, $seconds);
 // usage
 CarbonInterval::seconds(86471)->youtubeFormat(); // "24:01:11"

CarbonInterval Mixin

Create a mixin class and register to the framework via a service provider.

           class YoutubeFormatCarbonMixin
     public function youtubeFormat()
         return function () {
             // self::this()->...
             // return YoutubeFormat function code here

CarbonInterval Mixin (Trait)

           trait YoutubeFormatCarbonMixin
     public function youtubeFormat()
         // self::this()->...
         // return YoutubeFormat function code here

Create Time From Format

           CarbonInterval::createFromFormat('H:i:s', '10:20:00'); // 10 hours 20 minutes

Magic Time

Fluent Interval

           Carbon\CarbonInterval::day()->totalSeconds; // 86400
 Carbon\CarbonInterval::week()->totalDays; // 7
 Carbon\CarbonInterval::days(2)->hours(1)->totalHours; // 25 (two days + 1 hour)
 Carbon\CarbonInterval::seconds(150)->totalMinutes; // 2.5
 (int) round(Carbon\CarbonInterval::seconds(150)->totalMinutes); // 3
 Carbon\CarbonInterval::seconds(817)->cascade()->forHumans(['short' => true]); // "13m 37s"
     // "27:45:03" => 27 hours, 45 minutes and 3 seconds

Setting Time


Convert DateTime to Carbon

           $dt = new \DateTime('first day of January 2008');
 $carbon = Carbon::instance($dt);


Generate an array of dates for a the next 30 days:
