10 min read

Homestead PHP-FPM Aliases

Laravel Homestead comes prepackaged with a number of aliases (shortcuts for commands) one of which is php81. Calling this will execute the following commands:

           $ php81
 # sudo update-alternatives --set php /usr/bin/php8.1
 # sudo update-alternatives --set php-config /usr/bin/php-config8.1
 # sudo update-alternatives --set phpize /usr/bin/phpize8.1

This only changes the CLI version of PHP - the web server version is not affected.

Let’s create our own function to take a PHP version number and optional test site url to change.

Here’s a summary of the steps:

  1. Open the aliases file from your Homestead directory
  2. Add the function and save the file
  3. Re-provision the Homestead VM vagrant reload --provision

Creating the function

           function fpm() {
     if (( $# > 1 ))
     echo "version: $version"
     echo "currentproject: $project"
     echo "site: $site"
     echo "Switching $sitePath to php-fpm $version and restarting nginx..."
     c1="sed -Ei 's/php[0-9].[0-9]-fpm.sock/php"$version"-fpm.sock/g' $sitePath"
     c2="php-fpm$version -t"
     c3="service php$version-fpm restart"
     bash -c "sudo $c1"
     bash -c "sudo $c2"
     bash -c "sudo $c3"
     sudo service nginx restart

Now you can run the command from your project root

           $ cd code/project-name
 # /home/vagrant/code/project-name
 $ fpm 8.1
 # or fpm 8.1 different-project-name.test

If you want to keep your functions consistent with Homestead’s aliases you can create a function for each version:

           function fpm81() {
     fpm 8.1 $1 $2
 function fpm80() {
     fpm 8.0 $1 $2
 # etc

and use in the same way:

           $ fpm81
 # or
 $ fpm81 project.test