19 min read

Inline CSS from file

Build files

We usually access vite files from the blade directive


But if you need to inline content build files from Vite you can use the Vite facade to get the built asset path and extract the contents. Let’s create a helper function to get the contents of a built file from the public path.

           function vite_file(string $path, ?string $url = null): string
     $result = Str::after(Vite::asset($path), $url ?? url('/'));
     return public_file($result);
 function public_file(string $path): string
     $public = public_path($path);
     if(file_exists($public)) {
         return file_get_contents($public);
     $exception = new Exception("Public file not found: {$path}");
     if(! app()->isLocal()) {
         return '';
     throw $exception;

Which can now be used in your views.

+            @if(Vite::isRunningHot())
+            @else
+                {!! vite_file('resources/css/app.css') !!}
+            @endif

Note: we only do this in production as the build file will not be present in development mode.

You could even wrap this up into a blade directive:

           function vite_inline(string $path, ?string $url = null): string
     $style = Vite::isRunningHot()
         ? Vite::asset($path, $url)
         : vite_file($path, $url);
     return "<style>{$style}</style>";

Existing files

You could also create a similar helper function to get the contents of a file from the resources directory if no build is required:

           function resource_file(string $path): string
     $resource = resource_path($path);
     if(file_exists($resource)) {
         return file_get_contents($resource);
     $exception = new Exception("Resource file not found: {$path}");
     if(! app()->isLocal()) {
         return '';
     throw $exception;

Note: We report exceptions and then continue in live systemss

Direct file include

You could also include the file directly and avoid any custom functions or build steps.
