15 min read

Pivot queries

In the examples below we will assume a user can be an athlete with one or more coaches via a pivot table with an addition role column to identify their head coach compared to the rest of the team.

  • users (id, name, etc…)
  • athlete_user (athlete_id, user_id, role)
           // App\Models\User
 public function coaches(): BelongsToMany
     return $this->belongsToMany(User::class, 'athlete_user', 'athlete_id', 'user_id')
           // return users with a collection of their coaches
 // return users with a collection of their head coaches only
     'coaches' => fn ($coach) => $coach->where('role','head-coach')
 // return users that have themselves as a coach
 User::whereHas('coaches', fn ($coach) =>
     $coach->whereColumn('athlete_id', 'users.id')
 // return users filtered by a pivot value with a potentially ambiguous column name
 User::whereHas('coaches', fn ($coach) =>
 // return users without themselves as a member
 User::whereDoesntHave('coaches', fn ($coach) =>
     $coach->whereColumn('athlete_id', 'users.id')