27 min read

Laravel Pipelines

Laravel pipelines allow you to replace procedural code with an object orientated approach. Simply pass a something (e.g. Model) through a series of steps (pipes) which performs an action (handle) at each stage and finally returns a result.

You could use it anywhere you need a run a sequence of steps. The Laravel framework uses this for handling request middleware but could be used to cleanse forum posts, set up an environment/onboarding new users, query filters and even sub-pipelines.

It also allows you to unit test the function.

Method Signature

parameter description
$something passable object, string, query builder, model etc.
$pipes array of classes with ‘handle’ method
$callback the function to run once all pipes have been ‘handled’

Pipe Classes

You need a new class for each pipeline task with a single handle method and input and closure arguments.

           class FirstPipe {
     public function handle($something, Closure $next)
         // $something = ...
         return $next($something);

Optional Interface

You could create an interface to enforce the handle method via a contract.

           interface Pipe
     public function handle($something, Closure $next);

Using the original pipe class from the previous example:

           class FirstPipe implements Pipe {
     public function handle($something, Closure $next)
         // $something = ...
         return $next($something);

Pipe Parameters

You can pass parameters to the pipe class constructor by appending a comma separated string to to the end of the pipe with a semi-colon prefix.

In the example below, ‘sean’ and ‘foo’ will be passed to $name parameter on the ParameterPipeline::class.

         ParameterPipeClass::class.':sean, foo',

Pipeline Classes

Instead of building the pipes on demand, you can create a dedicated pipeline class to DRY up your code.

All you need is to add some Pipes to the $pipes property array.

           use Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline;
 class DoSomethingPipeline extends Pipeline
     protected $pipes = [
         ParameterPipeClass::class.':sean, foo',

Dynamic Pipes

You can use the pipes method to dynamically set pipes:

           protected function pipes(): array
     // dynamically create pipes here...
     $pipes = [
         ParameterPipeClass::class.':sean, foo',
     return $pipes;

or combine Pipeline and Collections to dynamically decide which pipes should be executed:

           $html = app(Pipeline::class)
                 FirstPipe::class => true,
                 SecondPipe::class => $this->shouldRunFirstPipe(),
                 ThirdPipe::class => false,

Alternatively, the pipe class itself could determine whether or not it needs to run.

Trigger via static method

To keep things ‘Laravel’ you could even add custom methods to use the pipeline without resolving from the container each time and calling the then or thenReturn methods.

           use Illuminate\Pipeline\Pipeline;
 class DoSomethingPipeline extends Pipeline
     protected $pipes = [
         ParameterPipeClass::class.':sean, foo',
     public static function sendAndReturn($something)
         return (new static)

and used:

           $sometingElse = DoSomethingPipeline::sendAndReturn($something);

Error handling with transactions

You could wrap your pipeline in a try catch and add transactions to your method. This will exit the pipeline and avoid database problems with partial completion.

A quick tip!

Remember to throw errors from your pipes!

               try {
         return app(Pipeline::class)
             ->then(function ($traveler) {
                 // return to dashboard
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         // return a message to the user


           class SuffixBar implements Pipe
     public function handle($input, Closure $next)
         $input = $input . 'bar';
         return $next($input);
  * @pest
 it('appends bar', function () {
     app(SuffixBar::class)->handle('foo', function ($result) {
         $this->assertEquals('foobar', $result);
