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Show Git Info in PHP

When working on a project, it can be useful to show the current Git branch and commit hash in the application. This can be helpful for debugging, tracking down issues, or just keeping track of what version of the code is running.

 namespace App;
 use Carbon\Carbon;
 class Version
     public readonly ?string $commit;
     public readonly ?string $commit_short;
     public readonly ?string $tag;
     public readonly ?Carbon $date;
     protected static array $instances = [];
     public function __construct(?string $commit = null, ?string $tag = null, ?Carbon $date = null)
         $this->commit = $commit ?? static::getCurrentGitCommitHash();
         $this->commit_short = substr($this->commit, 0, 7);
         $this->tag = $this->tag();
         $this->date = $this->date();
     public static function make(?string $commit = null, ?string $tag = null, ?Carbon $date = null): self
         if(! isset(static::$instances[$commit])) {
             static::$instances[$commit] = new static($commit);
         return static::$instances[$commit];
     public function toArray(): array
         return [
             'commit' => $this->commit,
             'commit_short' => $this->commit_short,
             'tag' => $this->tag,
             'label' => $this->label(),
             'date' => $this->date,
     protected function hasTag(): bool
         return $this->tag !== null;
     protected function label(): string
         if(! $this->hasTag()) {
             return $this->commit_short;
         return str_starts_with($this->tag, 'v')
             ? "{$this->tag} ({$this->commit_short})"
             : "v{$this->tag} ({$this->commit_short})";
     protected static function getCurrentGitCommitHash(): ?string
         $path = base_path('.git/');
         if (! file_exists($path)) {
             return null;
         $head = trim(substr(file_get_contents($path . 'HEAD'), 4));
         $hash = trim(file_get_contents(sprintf($path . $head)));
         return $hash;
     protected function tag(): ?string
         $tag = exec('git tag --contains ' . $this->commit);
         return $tag === '' ? null : $tag;
     public function date(): ?Carbon
         $date = exec('git show -s --format=%ci ' . $this->commit);
         return $date === '' ? null : Carbon::parse($date);